Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Chat Room Again xD

Look at me i think, that i can fly one person can only wish on something like that. xx
Fanks For Reading

Chat Room's

Chatting With My Mates That i met in a chat room there both awsome xD
Thanks For Reading.

Monday, 18 June 2012

♥ Chat Rooms ♥

This is a Chat room I was in today, Look at the people, And i have Something to say we need more people in chat rooms because the whole point in chat rooms is to talk to each other so come into a chat room and have a little look at who is there. k
Thanks for reading

The New VIP x

New Vip It Still Costs £50 But Look At The New Things
I Think The Pet Is Cute xx

Thx For Reading

Sunday, 17 June 2012

MSP Hacker!

Movie Star planet Hacker, Some People On MSP
Hack into The Web sight We All Go on And They
get More Money Than us Just bye the Click Of A Button It Don't Seem Right. They Should Not Be on This Website They Get Rid Of All The Fun On
Thx For Reading

Together Forever Or Was It Just A Joke?

Its Safe To Say That Me And Jason Will Not
Be Together Ever Again, Since We Split.

Friday, 1 June 2012

Mean People!

There Are Some People OnMovie Star Planet That
Really Have pushed My
Buttons... and them two
people i am going to tell
you about.
A= αму
B= SammiBabes

She Thinks I Too A Look Off Her When I Diddent
but she said i did and now amy really hates me but
no big deal.

She made some one who was a good friend of mine Quit because she hacked Slik599's acount and if you now who he is then his other acount is
MegaStar1:) ok thx for reading......

Jet Set :)

The New comp is Jet set and i have all the
Cloths and the movies and its only been out a day
Don't Now how i did that. and i love the new comp
Its Simple and i like the move with the car and it
Costs $1.200 Star Coins Its A Big Rip Off.

Is αму The girl we now Really?

Is αму a lesbian? yes and i have proof.
I bet you didn't see that coming did

New Bloggy!

Hey I have just made this blog I really hope you like it.
There will be more post comming soon so make sure you look
every so often.